MoChad is THE community coin on Mode.

MoChad Manifesto

Embrace the Degen Within.

We all have a bit of degen in us. It's that spark that makes us leap into the unknown, chase the thrill of the next big thing, and join forces with a community that gets it. MoChad is more than just a meme coin; it's a badge of honor for the bold, the dreamers, and yes, the degens of the Mode Network. Be a MoChad.


Infinite-Sum Game: Unlimited wins and opportunities for MoChads on Mode


Grow Mode. Grow MoChad. Reward Community.

The Virtuous MoChad Cycle

MoChad was born to throw rocket fuel on Mode’s existing meme culture and community. $MOCHAD exists to reward the MoChads.

What is $MOCHAD?

MoChad is THE community coin on Mode; designed to reward active community members who help grow Mode and the Onchain Cooperative.

How To Earn $MOCHAD (MoTips)

Rewards shape results. $MOCHAD will be distributed to MoChad & Mode related tweets we engage with:

  • Create Memes
  • Spread the MoChad Vibe on X
    1. 10% for CEX listing
    2. 20% MoTips
  • Create Content about MoChad & Mode

We will drop MoTips to the most active MoChads.


69,000,000,000,000 MoChad Tokens Ticker $MOCHAD


A massive part of $MOCHAD will be dropped on Mode early supporters and creators who are active participants.

  1. 40% Ticker $MOCHAD LP
  2. 30% Marketing
  3. 20% Airdrops
  4. 10% Treasury